Friday, April 17, 2015

Easter warmly hugged refugees

On April 15th, Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR), an implementing partner of UNHCR Moldova, organized a joyful happening to celebrate Easter together with the refugees' community.

Despite their heterogeneous religious backgrounds, refugees and asylum seekers enjoyed the wishes of the priest Constantin Cojocaru who came back, for the second year in a raw, through the collaboration of CCR and Metropolis of Moldova, to delight the beneficiaries and their families with wishes and prays. The celebration was attended also by the Representative of UNHCR Moldova, Mr. Traian Turcanu, who, together with the Director of CCR, Mr. Djavid Paknehad, renovate his greetings for a happy and overjoyed Easter.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

CONCURS DE DESENE, POSTERE, FOTOGRAFII ŞI SPOTURI VIDEO cu ocazia Zilei Mondiale a Refugiaţilor 2015

UNHCR oferă protecţie persoanelor forţate să-şi abandoneze casele, salvează vieţi, restabileşte drepturi şi găseşte soluţii pentru un viitor mai bun.

Agenţia ONU pentru Refugiaţi în Moldova (UNHCR) invită tinerii (elevi şi studenţi), să creeze una ori mai multe din lucrările enumerate: desen, poster, foto, video spot la tema:

 Familii distruse de război.
 (Impactul războiului asupra familiilor)

    ·         DESEN/Poster
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