Thursday, October 13, 2016

Discovering the cultural pluralism of Moldova - Excursion to Gagauzia

On Saturday, the 8th of October 2016, the Charity Centre for Refugees went on a field excursion to Gagauzia, an autonomous region in the south of Moldova. We visited the most representative local museums about Gagauz culture and history.
We had the occasion to learn that the Gagauz people have a proud history with their own specific culture and language. To preserve this, the region today enjoys a special autonomous state within the Republic of Moldova. Although, the origin of the Gagauz people is debated, most theories subscribe that the Gagauzians are descendants of a Turkic clan who after conflicts with other clans migrated and later converted from Islam to Christian Orthodoxy.
The field excursion is part of the Charity Centre for 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Celebrating the ending of Summer School for Refugee Children and National Holidays of Moldova

The Charity Centre for Refugees, Implementing Partner of UNHCR Moldova, organised on 29 August 2016 the celebration of „Independence” and „Our Language” Day and the ending of the Summer School for Refugee Children.
More than 60 refugees and asylum seekers attending the event found out the most important facts about the country where they live - Moldova. Thus, the participants, both children and adults, renewed their knowledge about our country. In this line refugee children sang the anthem of Moldova to honor the independence and national state symbols. In order to ensure that the information was understood, there was a quiz of questions. The participants who answered correct received presents. 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

CCR volunteers at the Festivals of Youth in Moldova

This August, the volunteer team from the Charity Centre for Refugees participated at two summer festivals related to the development and strengthening local civil society and supporting youth participation in Moldova.

First one, "Civic Fest- Moldova for the citizens" is an international festival which reunited the most strong and active NGOs. The Charity Centre for Refugees was represented by local and EVS volunteers. We had the possibility to promote our projects and give informaton regarding refugee situation in Moldova. Also, the visitors were able to buy handicrafts made by refugee children. On the other side, in the little makeshift town of NGOs we met new opportunities for building future partnerships. Meanwhile, our volunteers enjoyed relaxing atmosphere and entertaining program that organisers prepared for the participants: songs, dances, fairs etc.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Women's club: Traditional Arabic food - دعونا أكل!

During the month of August, the Refugees women’s club at the Charity Centre for Refugees held several gastronomic workshops aimed at preparation of delicious dishes of the Arabic traditional food.

Supported by the team of volunteers, the refugee women came together to prepare the most popular traditional Arabic meals, by sharing their knowledge and love for this art of cooking. 
The refugee women community invited the Head of UNHCR Moldova, Mr. Traian Ţurcanu and his wife, Mrs. Natalia to enjoy the event.

At these meetings we learned that often heavy on spices Arabic food plays an important role in Arabic hospitality where families can sometimes spend days preparing a wide variety of different dishes. For this women’s club the women prepared among others Musakhan (a chicken dish) and Tabbouleh (a very nice and fresh salad). As dessert the women had made Basbousa, a traditional sweet cake from Egypt. The event was met with great appetite, especially after a few hours of cooking most attendants where quite hungry.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

United Nations Moldova: Informative session on the Law No. 121 on ensuring equality at the Charity Centre for Refugees

The Charity Centre for Refugees, Implementing Partner of UNHCR Moldova, in collaboration with the Internship Initiative Group of UN in Moldova organized on 14 July 2016 an interactive discussion session regarding implementation of the Law No. 121 on ensuring equality.

The main goal of the session was to inform and explain refugees their inherent right to equality in the Republic of Moldova, also the content of the main national non-discrimination legislation and the tools of implementing equality principles.

The event gathered 32 participants – including refugees and asylum seekers, together with representatives from UNHCR Moldova and CCR volunteers, who had the possibility to talk and debate about daily life situations of discrimination being supported by the member of the the Council on the Prevention and Elimination of Discrimination and Ensuring Equality, Ian Feldman.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Eid-Al Fitr at the Charity Centre for Refugees

The Charity Centre for Refugees, Implementing Partner of UNHCR Moldova, organised on 09 July 2016 the celebration of the Eid-Al Fitr - an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting.

The event gathered in one place more than 100 children, women of men from the refugee community in the Republic of Moldova. The representative of UNHCR Moldova also joined us at the event.

The cultural program included performance of songs, dances, poems, entertaining games, magical performances, and alive book stories about the meaning of the celebration in different countries such as Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc..
The event was led and moderated by two volunteers - 1 refugee from Iraq and 1 refugee from Sirya, who involved in organisation and offered CCR a huge support in conducting the event.
All the participants received gifts ans sweets in recognition of their implication and activity at the event.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Charity Yard Sale at RCTV "Memoria"

On the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, commemorated annually on 26th of June, the The Rehabilitation Center of Torture Victims Memoria organised a Charity Yard Sale in order to support victims and the survivors of torture. The goal of the event was to raise people awareness on issues of torture victims and to provide, in this way, more help and support to those who have gone through quite stressful life situations.
Bracelets, belts and Eco bags, room flowers, jewelry, toys and clothes for children, greeting cards and other handmade articles were available for sale at the fair. Beneficiaries admitted that handmade work is an opportunity to socialize and share experiences that bind also to learn something new and useful.

The Charity Centre for Refugees, represented by its volunteer team, supported the enrollment of the event and participated in it, as a partner by presenting handmade objects created by refugees that live in Moldova, some of them being, including beneficiaries of RCTV "Memoria", which is an opportunity to develop relations of friendship and support between the two organizations, but also to encourage victims of torture to continue their fight for a normal life.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Moldova commemorated the World Refugee Day 2016 - We stand together #WithRefugees

UNHCR Moldova along with its implementing partners – the Charity Centre for Refugees, Ave Copiii, the Law Centre of Advocates and the Bureau of Migration and Asylum worked together to commemorate the World Refugee Day, by organizing a day full of cultural and entertaining activities to mark the day. The main scope of the event was to raise awareness of the local community on the fact that refugees are people like everyone of us, “to send a message to governments that they must work together and do their fair share for refugees”.
The event was held in Valea Morilor Park, Chisinau, on Saturday the 18th of June. The day consisted of different musical performances of, among others, the Orchestra of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. A photo exhibition was presented by EVS volunteers showing the lives and contributions of refugees before and after reaching the Moldovan life.

Another exhibition was reflecting many celebrity refugees who after having left their country of origin made their valuable contributions to the hosting society. Furthermore there were different performances by refugees and refugee children with traditional dances, poetry and music, wearing colorful traditional clothes. The day was led by various speeches underlining the important contributions made by refugees’ everyday while also highlighting the importance of continued support for refugees in their fight for a decent life.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Summer School for refugee/asylum seeker children started!

This June, the Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR), supported by UNHCR started the Summer School project 2016 for refugee/asylum seekers children!

The school is organised with the purpose to give possibilities to the kids to benefit from an educational and developing course for the vacation period.

Summer School takes place from 11 a.m. till 3 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday in the CCR premises. The courses includes Arabic lessons taught by a refugee from Iraq, handicrafts circles, sport activities, dance classes, computer classes, and other creative and interactive activities aimed at developing the communication skills, self-confidence and imagination. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Cu prilejul marcării Zilei Mondiale a Refugiatului,

eveniment de informare a publicului cu participarea comunităţii refugiaţilor

CINE: Biroul Înaltului Comisariat al Naţiunilor Unite pentru Refugiaţi (UNHCR) împreună cu Biroul Migraţie şi Azil, Direcţia Refugiaţi şi partenerii săi de implementare Centrul de Drept al Avocaţilor, Centrul de Caritate pentru Refugiaţi; Asociaţia pentru Abilitarea Copilului şi Familiei ”AVE Copiii”.

CE: Evenimentul va include recital al orchestrei model al Ministerului Afacerilor Interne, prezentări ale copiilor refugiaţi, activităţi sportive pentru copii, expoziţii de lucrări realizate de refugiaţi şi multe alte activităţi interesante pentru a vă bucura din plin de eveniment. La eveniment vor fi prezenţi reprezentanţi ai comunităţii refugiaţilor, reprezentanţi ai guvernului, membrii corpului diplomatic, mass-media, agenţiile ONU şi societatea civilă.

UNDE: municipiul Chișinău, Parcul Valea Morilor, în apropiere de scările principale.

CÂND: Sîmbătă, 18 iunie 2016, ora 12.00 – 16:00

IMPORTANT: Ziua Mondială a Refugiatului (ZMR) a fost marcată pentru prima dată în 2001. Zeci de mii de oameni din întreaga lume au avut nevoie de timp ca să recunoască şi să aprecieze contribuţia persoanelor forţate să fugă pentru a-şi salva viaţa. ZMR este marcată anual printr-o varietate de evenimente în peste 100 de ţări, implicând oficiali guvernamentali, celebrităţi, civili şi însăşi persoanele strămutate.

În societatea în care trăim sunt mai multe persoane strămutate forţat din cauza conflictelor decât în orice periodă după cel de-al doilea război mondial. Acest număr fără precedent a condus UNHCR şi partenerii săi la limite, dar, din păcate, situaţia continuă să se intensifice. De aceea, ne propunem să creem o empatie publică faţă de refugiaţi şi faţă de munca noastră de a-i proteja pe cei mai vulnerabili.

Mesajul principal al campaniei #SUNTEM ALĂTURI DE REFUGIAȚI este că refugiaţii sunt oameni la fel ca noi, care au fost forţaţi să fugă pentru a-şi salva viaţa.

Agenda evenimentului este anexată.

Pentru informaţii suplimentare, contactaţi Biroul UNHCR în Republica Moldova

tel: +373 22 270 865,

Monday, June 6, 2016

The International Children’s Day: A visit to Chisinau Zoo!

On Tuesday the 31th of May, the Charity Centre for Refugees organized a trip to the Chisinau Zoo to celebrate Children’s Day.
More than 25 beneficiaries, refugees and asylum seekers, children and their parents, set out to see the bears, lions, monkeys and all other animals that inhabit Chisinau Zoo. The event started at around midday with the gathering of all participants at the entrance.

After a short moment of greetings and some photos we all entered the zoo in search of our favorite animals. Thanks to the good weather and friendly atmosphere most beneficiaries spent a good great time together.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Integration of the refugees in the Moldovan business market

In the framework of the business program, the Charity Centre for Refugees, Implementing partner of UNHCR, hosted yesterday, 24 May 2016, an informative meeting initiated by UNHCR and held by two consultants from NGO Open Government Institute.

The meeting was organized with the purpose to inform the refugees and the beneficiaries of humanitarian protection about the business trainings to be provided starting with end of May by the experts from NGO Open Government Institute, represented by the director, Mr. Nicu Crețu. The meeting started by a presentation made by Mr. Marin Dolința, the Senior Administrative/Programme Associate at UNHCR Moldova, who underlined the support that will be provided by UNHCR during this program. The training will focus on how to write a business plan for self-employment and entrepreneurship for the beneficiaries, interested in launching or/and extending a business in the Republic of Moldova. 

Collaboration Agreement with the Bureau of Migration and Asylum - enhancing integration of refugees through partnership programme

On 24 May 2016, the Collaboration Agreement was updated and signed for an indefinite period between Mrs. Olga Poalelungi, the Director of the Bureau of Migration and Asylum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Mr. Djavid Paknehad, the Director of the Charity Centre for Refugees, implementing partner of UNHCR.

The agreement provides the legal framework and underlines the specific objectives of collaboration and has as main purpose the cooperation for building a stable partnership and streamlining necessary measures to strengthen the conditions of the asylum in the Republic of Moldova and provide assistance to asylum seekers, refugees and the beneficiaries of humanitarian protection.

With the support of UNHCR Moldova, the Charity Centre for Refugees has been fruitfully collaborating with the Bureau of Migration and Asylum for more than 14 years, providing transparent and efficient assistance and support to refugees and beneficiaries of form of protection, through a range of common activities and events aimed at cultural and social integration into Moldovan society.

Maria Pîslaraş - CCR Project Assistant

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Commemorative meeting

Last Thursday night, on 12 May 2016, a tragedy hit our hearts - our beloved friend, a beneficiary of humanitarian protection from Mali, lost his life, which shuttered all the community knowing him here in Moldova.
The next day, dozens of friends, with the support of UNHCR and its implementing partners, the Charity Centre for Refugees and AVE Copiii, participated and supported the organization of the funerals.
The following Monday 16 May 2016, the Charity Centre for Refugees organized a commemorative meeting on the memory of our friend from Mali.
The meeting was attended by the Ambassador of The Embassy of The State of Qatar in Chisinau, H.E. Mr. Mohammed bin Ali Al-Malki, the representative of the Islamic league in Moldova - Mr. Ismail Abu Ibrahim, Mr. Adebayo Johnson Paster, the President of the NGO Fatima - Mr. Keita Abdramane, and other friends and close people to the deceased, including the refugee community. All the participants gathered to express their condolences and solidarity about the tragedy, sharing the most beautiful memories of the moments lived together with the deceased, encouraging everyone to stay strong and pray for his soul.
The Charity Centre for Refugees, the implementing partner of UNHCR Moldova, expresses condolences to the family and friends of the Malian friend.

CCR team

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Europe Day in Moldova

On May 14, in Chisinau the European town was inaugurated for the celebration of the Europe Day 2016 in the Public garden “Stefan cel Mare”.

The visitors had the opportunity to communicate and participate at various interactive activities, as well as learn about the projects implemented by the United Nations and financed by the European Union.

The Charity centre for Refugees, the implementing partner of UNHCR Moldova, together with the EVS volunteers, joined the UNHCR team to be part of the event, presenting, along with the other international organizations in Moldova, its activities in protecting the refugees and asylum seekers' community in the Republic of Moldova, and help them integrate through implementation programmes.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Easter celebrations at CCR

In the context of the Easter celebrations, the Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR), the implementing partner of UNHCR in Moldova, organized two events that gathered more than 100 men, women and children – beneficiaries of our centre.

On 04 April 2016, there was held a workshop on the tradition of painting Easter eggs. Coached by CCR art teacher – Tatiana Presneacova, with the help of the local and EVS volunteers, more than 15 refugee women and children were engaged in practicing the art of egg painting and learned about the symbols of Easter red eggs. Our volunteers invited a group of children from the Placement Centre “Small Group Homes” from Chisinau, who joined the refugee children and participated together in painting the eggs and other creative activities during the workshop.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Visit of Ms. Dafina Gercheva at the Charity Centre for Refugees

The Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR), the implementing partner of UNHCR, invited Ms. Dafina Gercheva, the UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative for the Republic of Moldova to a meeting with refugees in CCR’s staff. Ms. Dafina kindly accepted our invitation and visited our office on 29 April 2016.

The meeting gathered a group of refugees and asylum seekers - women, men and children, together with Mr. Traian Ţurcanu, the Head of UNHCR Moldova, and CCR team, within a warm and pleasant atmosphere.

The Director of the CCR, Mr. Djavid Paknehad started with a presentation about the activity performed during 17 years of CCR’s work, pointing the achievements and the difficulties faced within all this long period of time.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


“Beauty is a form of Genius - is higher, indeed, than Genius, as it needs no explanation. It is one of the great facts of the world, like sunlight, or springtime, or the reflection in the dark waters of that silver shell we call the moon. It cannot be questioned. It has divine right of sovereignty. It makes princes of those who have it”, - Oscar Wilde

It is this form of genius that we discovered in our beneficiaries of the Charity Centre of Refugees (CCR) during the women’s club “The world of Beauty”.

The integration women’s club “The World of Beauty” was organized at the Charity Center for Refugees (CCR) by Tatiana Salachova – a refugee from Ukraine and a woman with a big heart, a huge talent in art beauty and a deep desire to create and share her great experience with others.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Informative session – participation of refugee women in the National Platform of Women in Moldova

On Tuesday, 19 April 2016, the Charity Centre for Refugees hosted an event dedicated to refugee women, which was conducted by UNHCR in collaboration with ODIMM and ICAWB -International Center for Advancement of Women in Business. The event was attended by a group of women – refugees and beneficiaries of humanitarian protection.
The main objective of this session was to inform and discuss about the possibilities of refugee women to develop professional skills and possibilities to start an entrepreneurship activity in Moldova. The representative of ODIMM and ICAWB talked about the possibilities to benefit from a development programme including organization of different thematic meetings, trainings, workshops, debates and other information and supportive sessions for those willing to initiate its own business. The beneficiaries were told about  several successful stories of local Moldovan women in small and medium entrepreneurship. In its turn, UNHCR representatives Mrs.  Svetlana Jioara and Mr. Marin Dolinţa informed the women about their possibilities and conditions to be met in order to access the funds available in the framework of UNHCR integration grants.

Informative session on business opening and access to grants – organized by UNHCR

On Thursday the 14th of April an informative session took place at the Charity Center for Refugees. The session aimed to inform the beneficiaries about the availability of grants related to setting up their own businesses.

Mr. Marin Dolinţa, Senior Administrative/Programme Associate from UNHCR Moldova (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) conducted the session. During this the beneficiaries were informed about the procedures and possibilities to access the funds available to them in order to initiate or extend entrepreneurship activity in Moldova, according to their legal status (refugee status, humanitarian protection) and the kind of business they want to implement or start.

This event belongs to a framework of raising awareness among asylum seekers/refugees about their rights and duties in employment, their opportunities of self-employment and entrepreneurship.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Integration through history and national traditions – visit to the National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History

On Wednesday, the 29th March, the Charity Centre for Refugees, supported by an EVS volunteer, participated at the organization of a visit to the National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History in Chisinau. 

The visit, initiated by the Bureau of Migration and Asylum and the Ministry of Culture, attracted 22 refugees, children and adults, from countries such Syria, Ukraine, Yemen, Afghanistan, Libya, Armenia, Jordanian, Uzbekistan, Iran, Iraq, Liberia and Tanzania eager to learn more about the (natural) history of Moldova.

In a relaxed atmosphere, the group slowly wandered its way along the impressive collection of the city’s oldest museum. Under guidance they learned more about, among others, the flora and fauna with inhabits Moldova or did so in earlier history. They also admired an extensive ethnographic collection, and had the opportunity to learn a bit more about Moldovan people, their history and the origin of their customs and traditions.

The event was aimed to familiarize the refugees with the national culture and history, and to facilitate the integration process. 

Dieter Eggen - EVS volunteer from Netherlands
Maria Pîslaraş - CCR Project Assistant

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Nowruz – the Persian New Year celebrated at our centre!

On Monday 21st March, the Charity Centre for Refugees' team and its beneficiaries gathered together to celebrate one of the most important cultural celebrations Nowruz – the Persian New Year.

The Nowruz (now = new / ruz = day) is a ceremony  observed by numerous peoples to welcome the New Year, as well as the first day of spring, which usually take place on the vernal equinox. Nowruz is a festivity that has been observed for thousands of years and partly rooted in the tradition of Zoroastrianism religion, which nowadays is still spread all around the world, but mostly present in Iran, Afghanistan, in the countries Central and Western Asia. 

After the opening speeches of the authorities present at the festival (representatives from the UNHCR, the Directorate for Asylum and Integration, Bureau for Migration and Asylum, the Ministry of Culture, the Law Center of Advocates and from AVE Copiii) took place a presentation of the main characteristics of the festivity and some performances such as traditional music and dances from Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Iran, India, etc.. The old year has been hailed with "The fire Jumping tradition", which symbolically take away all the unpleasant things that happened in the past year, and clear the new one from bad spirits.

Employment Informative Session

To support refugees and asylum-seekers in the Republic of Moldova in finding livelihood opportunities, on 16 March 2016, the Charity Centre for Refugees organized a round-table on employment aimed to create an open dialog among the employment seekers, employers and relevant local institutions and organizations. Besides beneficiaries of our centre, we had invited representatives from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the National Agency for Employment, employers representatives, as well as representatives from our implementing partners: Law Center of Advocates and Ave Copiii, who all gave presentations on what support beneficiaries can expect from their services in the field of integration on the Moldovan employment market.

The UNHCR representatives opened the roundtable by sharing their views on the importance of official employment and invited participants to actively use the opportunity to discuss their obstacles in finding appropriate job opportunities and answers to their questions. Thus, our Employment Counselor gave an introductory presentation about the legal framework of official employment of persons of concern (refugees, asylum seekers, beneficiaries of humanitarian protection).

Monday, March 14, 2016

Spring holidays in Moldova – Mărţişor and the International Women Day

As a tradition, the Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR) organized on the 4th of March an event dedicated to Spring holidays in Moldova – Martisor and the International Women Day.
This day was not only an opportunity to celebrate the importance of women's figure, but a chance to get familiar with the Moldovan traditions in celebrating the Spring holidays.
At the beginning, as the guests were arriving, a Martisor (a traditional talisman from Moldova) has been given to each of them as welcome gift.

CCR's Director, Mr. Djavid Paknehad, held the opening speech thanking all the participants and underlining the importance of the celebration’s meaning.
Among the many of invited persons, we welcomed the presence of Mr. Traian Turcanu, Head of UNHCR Moldova. After welcoming and congratulating the guests, he held a speech about the beauty of the Women’s day in Moldova, as well as the input of  this day on the human rights, especially the fight for women’s rights in the world.

Celebrating spring’s arrival on the 1st of March

To highlight the first day of spring, Charity Center for Refugees (CCR) participated in the Children’s Art Fair organized by United Nations (UN) within the global edition of Zero Discrimination Day campaign, on the 1st of March. Together with orphanages and children from Taraclia district, the CCR beneficiaries sold handicraft that was produced in previous workshops held earlier. 
Before the commerce started, the UN Resident Coordinator, Ms. Dafina Gercheva gave a speech on the importance of involving children of Moldova to take part in society. After the speech participants could enjoy traditional Moldovan singing and dancing performances, presented by young talents. Then Ms. Gercheva encouraged the participants to express their support for the work with children by buying handmade products from the organizations participated. 

Mărţisor workshop on the 27th of February

The Charity Centre for Refugees organized on 27 February 2016 a workshop for the beneficiaries to create Martisor.
First of all, a presentation was shown to the public, where they found out about the meaning, the origins and tradition in Moldova of the Mărţişor. 

We encouraged them to wear it on the 1st of March, as a traditional symbol of Spring´s arrival and wishes of good luck for the coming year, which gave them additional opportunity to get more familiar to the local habits and values, by practicing by themselves this tradition which will bring them closer to the local people.

Elenore Andersson  EVS volunteer from Sweden at CCR
Maria Pîslaraş - CCR Project Assistant

Mărţişor workshop at the Temporary Accommodation Centre

On the 22nd of February 2016, the team of the Charity Centre of Refugees (CCR), with the help of the European volunteers, organized a workshop for asylum seekers and refugees at the Temporary Accommodation Center (TAC).
The aim of the day was offering to the beneficiaries a window to the Moldovan typical traditions and an opportunity to spend a nice afternoon together.
The art teacher Tatiana Presneacova taught the participants how to create the traditional talisman used to celebrate Mărţişor, an old tradition celebrated all over Moldova and Romania every year, on the 1st of March (in fact the name Mărțișor is a diminutive of March, Martie in Romanian). 
Within a short introduction to the Moldovan tradition of Martisor, the participants were told about the fact that this red and white threads tied into a bow to which a small talisman is attached, means the rebirth of life after the hard winter. 
They also learned that  it is believed that the person who wears the red and white string would enjoy a prosperous and healthy year.
The participants at the workshop, among them many children, got familiar to the tradition that we have in Moldova, while enjoying the relaxed afternoon.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Refugees’ traditions presented at the Global Village

On Saturday 20 February 2016, at Shopping MallDova, the Charity Centre for Refugees participated in "Global Village"- an AIESEC event organized annually in more than 126 countries of the world with the aim of promoting tolerance, free thinking and intercultural communication.

Many young internationals coming from countries such as Mexic, Algeria, Tanzania, Nigeria, Poland etc. presented their countries through traditional songs and dances, food, clothing, and music. In this framework, UNHCR persons of concern from Iraq, Syria, India alongside CCR presented their culture and traditions through dance, food, interviews.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Exhibition “A place to call your own”

On 28 January 2016, the opening ceremony of the exhibition “A place tocall your own” took place at the Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts in Chisinau. The exhibition was organized by the CCR’s volunteers Fedrica Pulcini, Celeste Panno and Marco Residori, in collaboration with Paul Garcia (EVS volunteer at Center for Contemporary Art) and Kinga Lendeczki (freelance journalist and curator). 

The project started in June 2015 with the aim to provide asylum seekers and refugees the possibility to express how they conceive the moment of their life in the Republic of Moldova. During several meetings, the refugees talked about their impressions and experiences in the host country and through their stories, the organizers got to know not only about their life in Moldova, but also the tough and long journey that led them here.