CHISINAU, Republic of Moldova, March 24 (UNHCR) - By the end of 2011 about 10 families of refugees and beneficiaries of humanitarian protection in Moldova will benefit of housing areas which follow to be rebuilt within the Local Integration Project in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine funded by the European Union, co-financed and implemented by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Moldova.
For this purpose there will be rebuilt the former public bath in the village Mereni (Anenii Noi) and a former kindergarten in the village Rezeni (Ialoveni), being allocated over 75 000EU.
An important element of the project lies in the fact that refugees will have the opportunities to be engaged in the labor market in those communities, and their children will attend kindergartens and schools there.
In support of this initiative, deeply important for UNHCR beneficiaries, recently, within the Bureau for Migration and Asylum in the Ministry of Internal Affair, cooperation agreements were signed between the UNHCR Representation in Moldova – Mr. Peter Kessler and representatives of local councils in the person of Mayor of Mereni Mr. Mihail Caragi and Mayor of Rezeni – Mr. Ion Luchian. By signing the collaboration act it was given the start of a year of joint activities related to the finishing of construction of apartments for refugees, which will facilitate integration into the local society, continuing with other activities financed under the same project: studying the Romanian language, engaging in labor market, vocational training courses, etc..

At the agreement signing ceremony there were present: Mr. Gheorghe Stamate Project Manager, EU Delegation in Moldova, Mr.Semion Terzioglo, National Program Coordinator, International Organization for Migration, John Wilson, the Millennium Chalenge Corporation, Simion Cotovici, mayor of Hruşova, Criuleni, Mrs. Natalia Guma, Deputy Head of the Refugee Directorate with in Bureau for Migration and Asylum and Mr. Djavid Paknehad, Director/Project Coordinator of the NGO Charity Center for Refugees.
Europe is a diverse continent, which serves as home to many people around the world. As Europe is the new home for many people from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East, as well Moldova is ready to offer shelter to vulnerable persons who were persecuted and were suffering, but who are willing to live in a tolerant and welcoming country like Moldova, Mr. Peter Kessler said.
The Mayors of both localities have been empowered to sign agreements by local Councils. They are quite happy that their localities were selected for this project. Both localities have previous experience in implementing EU-funded projects, as well as other international donors.
Republica Moldova este gata să ofere un adăpost persoanelor vulnerabile
CHIŞINĂU, Republica Moldova, 24 martie (UNHCR) – Pînă la sfîrşitul anului 2011 circa 10 familii de refugiaţi şi beneficiari de protecţie umanitară în R.Moldova vor beneficia de spaţii locative care urmează să fie reconstruite în cadrul proiectului Integrarea Locală a refugiaţilor în Belarus, Moldova şi Ukraina finanţat de Uniunea Europeană, co-finanţat şi implimentat de Înaltul Comisariat al Naţiunilor Unite pentru Refugiaţi (UNHCR) din Moldova .
În acest scop vor fi reconstruite fosta baie publică din comuna Mereni (Anenii Noi) şi o fostă grădiniţă pentru copii din comuna Rezeni (Ialoveni) pentru care vor fi alocate peste 75 000 euro.
Un element important al proiectului constă în faptul că refugiaţii vor avea posibilităţi reale de a se angaja în cîmpul muncii chiar în localităţile respective, iar copiii acestora vor frecventa grădiniţele şi şcolile de aici.
În sprijinul acestei iniţiative, cu adevărat importante pentru beneficiarii UNHCR, recent, în incinta Biroului Migraţie şi Azil din cadrul Ministerului Afacerior Interne, au fost semnate acordurile de colaborare între Reprezentanţa ICNUR în Moldova – dl Peter Kessler şi reprezentanţii Consiliilor locale în persoana Primarului de Mereni – dl Mihail Caragi şi Primarului de Rezeni – dl Ion Luchian.
Prin semnarea actului de colaborare a fost dat startul unui an plin de activităţi comune legate de finisarea caselor pentru refugiaţi, fapt ce va facilita adevărata integrare a acestora în societatea locală, continuînd cu alte activităţi finanţate în cadrul aceluiaşi proiect: studierea limbii române, angajarea în cîmpul muncii, organizarea cursurilor de instruire profesională, etc.
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