Saturday, July 14, 2012

2012 AGDM Participatory Assessment

Every year UNHCR, in cooperation with its main implementing and operational partners, conducts a comprehensive Age Gender Diversity Mainstreaming Participatory Assessment which is a process aimed at better assessing the situation of refugees, beneficiaries of humanitarian protection and stateless persons through a structured dialogue with persons of concern - women, men and children of different ages and backgrounds. It was decided that this year the focus group will be composed by asylum seekers and the main topics of discussions were decided to be the quality of services provided by UNHCR, NGOs, Government and the treatment of a/s by these Organizations and discrimination.

On July the 14th, at the CCR office, from 10am till 3pm, there were organized three focus group discussions with asylum seekers. The first focus group was composed by women, while in the other two participated male Russian-Farsi speaking asylum seekers and male English-Arabic speaking a/s. The two male FGD were held by Mr. Marin Roman, Mr. Eduard Scutaru and Mr. Djavid Paknehad, the female focus group was held by Ave Copiii, LCA and Memoria.
During the meeting the asylum seekers were interviewed about  the issues they met during their stay in Moldova. They spoke about the barriers they meet while trying to enroll to a job, about the discriminatory situation they faced to, as well as about other particular problems and complaints.
At the end of the meetings, all the participants could enjoy a table with some snacks which were prepared by CCR. 
The meeting of its kind allow the elucidation, by the UNHCR and its partners, of the impediments their beneficiaries met in their way to the integration process. Therefore, the UNHCR is trying to find the best way to support and to protect the new coming refugees, with the direct support of its implementing partners.

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