Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Eid Al-Fitr celebration at CCR

The Ramadan month ended on 8th of August for the Muslim all over the world. With it, the Ramadan fast also came to its end. Eid Al-Fitr marks the conclusion of all the Muslims’ fast, thus being a very important holiday for them and for the Charity Centre for Refugees (CCR), which celebrates it each year. This year, on 12th of August, CCR organized an event in order to raise awareness about some Muslim customs related to Ramadan, Eid Al-Fitr and not only. In the opening part, the CCR director, Mr. Djavid Paknehad, the Programme Coordinator of UNHCR, Mr. Dinu Lipcanu, together with representatives of Ave Copiii NGO congratulated everyone with “Eid Mubarak” and wished all the Muslims and non-Muslims good health, joy and success. The UNHCR support is crucial in these events, where the humanitarian principles of neutrality, impartiality and humanity are directly applied in its work with all its persons of concern, no matter their religion, race, country of origin, or political convictions.

Next, all the guests watched a small video spot showing more about the celebration of Eid Al-Fitr by Muslims in a region of Caucasus. By screening the mentioned video, CCR not only wanted to show how Eid Al-Fitr is celebrated in different parts of the world, but also to set the ground for the following quiz, moderated by two Syrian refugees. Both the local and refugee children and adults actively participated in the quiz, proving their enthusiasm about learning new things of another culture. All the right answers were awarded with symbolic gifts prepared by CCR.

In the final part, everyone had a chance to share their thoughts and news while enjoying sweets and fruits as part of a traditional feast for Eid Al-Fitr.

It is worth mentioning that the refugee community took an active part in this event and gladly collaborated where necessary. Although far away from their home where, in the past, some of the refugees celebrated Eid Al-Fitr in their own may, now it is a time to count the blessings after finding the peace and starting a new life, by celebrating Eid Al-Fitr in a somehow Moldovan way and by enjoying the company of new friends.

CCR will continue supporting the traditions of its beneficiaries, in order to facilitate their integration and make them feel at home here in Moldova, where they found shelter and protection for them and their families. The celebration of such important days for a big part of refugees brings the refugee community together and offers a vital moral and spiritual support to those who are still vulnerable after trying to escape from danger.

Post Scriptum!!!

If you’re curious to know about our quiz or maybe you want to test your knowledge about the Muslim culture, check out our questions below! (In Russian / Romanian / English)

1. Что такое Рамадан? Ce este Ramadan? What means Ramadan?
2. Когда был послан Коран? Cînd a fost trimis Coran-ul? When was the Quran sent?
3. Какой режим питания соблюдает мусульманин в месяц Рамадан? Ce regim de alimentare are un musulman în timpul lunii Ramadan? What kind of food schedule follows a Muslim during Ramadan?
4. Сколько дней длится Рамадан? Cîte zile durează Ramadan? How many days does Ramadan last?
5. Какой сейчас год по лунному календарю? În ce an ne aflăm, conform calendarului lunar? Which year is now, according to the moon calendar?
6. Сколько раз мусульманин молится за сутки? De cîte ori pe zi se roagă un musulman? How many times per day does a Muslim pray?
7. Назовите самое священное место для мусульман? Страна и город! Numiţi cel mai sacru loc pentru musulmani? Oraşul şi ţara! Name the most sacred place for Muslims? The country and the city!
8. Какую поману даёт мусульманин по случаю Рамадана? Ce pomană oferă un musulman în timpul lunii Ramadan? What kind of charity gifts are offered by Muslims on Ramadan?
9. Как называется праздник по окончанию месяца Рамадана? Cum se numeşte sărbătoarea de încheiere a lunii Ramadan? How is the celebration of Ramadan’s end called?
10. Сколько дней длится праздник по окончанию Рамадана? Cîte zile durează sărbătoarea de încheiere a lunii Ramadan? How many days does the celebration of Ramadan’s end last?


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