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UNHCR staff and refugees |
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Chisinau mayor Mr. Dorin Chirtoaca visiting UNHCR tent |
On May 7, 2011, at Great National Assembly Square, the citizens and international organizations of Republic of Moldova celebrated the Day of Europe. The celebration was meant to bring the European Union closer to the Moldovan citizens by celebrating its common values.
At 1 p.m. there took place the Official Opening Ceremony in the presence of the EU and local officials, though people started attending the event from 10 a.m. Embassies of the EU Member States and the EU-funded projects welcomed citizens in their tents to present and share their activities. There were distributed brochures which cover UNHCR activities, calendars, t-shirts and notebooks with UNHCR logos. The main objective of this action was to inform the local population, to raise awareness and to attract attention to the problems refugees face in Moldova.
At 1 p.m. there took place the Official Opening Ceremony in the presence of the EU and local officials, though people started attending the event from 10 a.m. Embassies of the EU Member States and the EU-funded projects welcomed citizens in their tents to present and share their activities. There were distributed brochures which cover UNHCR activities, calendars, t-shirts and notebooks with UNHCR logos. The main objective of this action was to inform the local population, to raise awareness and to attract attention to the problems refugees face in Moldova.
UNHCR is implementing two projects, one of which is the two-year regional Local Integration Project, which covers Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine. Charity Centre for Refugees acts as an implementing partner, helping UNHCR to carry out its activities.
Ziua Europei în Moldova
Pe 7 mai 2011, în Piaţa Marii Adunări Naţionale, cetăţenii şi organizaţiile internaţionale din Republica Moldova au sărbătorit Ziua Europei. Celebrarea a avut drept scop să
aducă Uniunea
Europeană mai
aproape de cetăţenii Republicii Moldova sărbătorind valorile sale comune. La 13:00, a avut loc ceremonia de deschidere oficială, în prezenţa oficialităţilor UE şi a celor locale, deşi oamenii au început participarea la evenimentul de la orele 10:00.
Misiunile diplomatice ale statelor membre UE,
precum şi proiectele finanţate de UE au indrumat cetăţenii în corturile lor, să prezinte activităţile sale. Au fost distribuite broşuri, care acoperă activităţile ICNUR, calendare, tricouri cu logo-uri si notebook-uri UNHCR.
Obiectivul principal
al acestei
acţiuni a
fost de a
informa populaţia
locală, pentru
a sensibiliza şi a atrage atenţia asupra problemelor cu
care se confruntă refugiaţii în Republica Moldova.
pune în aplicare două proiecte, dintre care unul este proiectul regional de Integrareă
Locală de doi, care acoperă Belarus, Moldova şi Ucraina. Centrul de Caritate pentru Refugiaţi acţionează ca un partener de punere în aplicare, ajutând ICNUR să îşi desfăşoare activităţile.
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