Refugiatii îşi părăsesc ţările de origine din cauza persecutării pe motiv de rasă, religie, naţionalitate, apartenenţă la un anumit grup social, opinii politice sau din cauza unor calamităţi, cum ar fi conflictul armat. Odată ce refugiaţii găsesc protecţie într-o ţară străină, aceştea deseori se confruntă cu mai multe dificultăţi în obţinerea asistenţei.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Refugiaţi în Republica Moldova necesită mai multă asistenţă pentru integrare
CHIŞINĂU, 30 mai 2012 - Potrivit unui studiu lansat de către Înaltului Comisariat al Naţiunilor Unite pentru Refugiaţi (UNHCR), refugiaţii în Republica Moldova doresc să lucreze legal şi să devină indepedenţi economic, însă solicită mai multă implicare din partea agenţiilor guvernamentale şi a ONU pentru a le promova integrarea locală.
Refugees in Moldova need more integration assistance
CHISINAU, 30th May 2012 – Refugees in the Republic of Moldova want to work legally and become self-sufficient but seek more involvement on the part of government agencies and the UN to promote their local integration, according to a study released by the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
Refugees flee their homelands due to persecution because of their race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, political opinion or serious upheaval like war. Once they find protection in a foreign country they often may face problems obtaining assistance.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
International family Day at Chisinau
On May the 15th, at the International Family day, the Municipal Directorate for Children's Right Protection organized the a celebration with the generic: "The family creates values, the values create the family", held at the "Ginta Latina"Art and Culture Center. This is the forth edition of the Festival dedicated to the World Family Day.
The guests attending the event, Mr. Cornel Tarus, Head of Family and Child Protection Department, within the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, and Mrs. Svetlana Chifa, the Head of Municipal Direction for Children's Right Protection, addressed greeting words to all the families present in the hall, wishing them happiness and many joy from the loved ones.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
The Europe Day celebrated in Chisinau
Already during several years, traditionally, the Mayoralty of Chisinau Municipality with the European Union delegation, organizes Europe Day in Moldova. Held at the Great National Assembly, this feast has united thousands of Chisinau residents eager to taste the multicultural diversity of European countries.
The European feast was attended also by persons from other continents like Africa and Asia. Here are considered the UNHCR beneficiaries- refugees, asylum seekers and beneficiaries of humanitarian protection- which were supported by the NGOs Implementing Partners of UNHCR, especially by CCR, which always is getting involved in various cultural, educational and entertainment activities with the help of refugees.
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