holiday celebrations offer opportunities to reflect on the themes of the day,
the passing of time – momentous events and regrets. Observing the Independence
Day of the Republic of Moldova, provides the same opportunities. This day
commemorates events of fighting for state, rights, language, law and most
important independence. 27 August 1991 was a crucial moment for the Republic of
Moldova adopting the Declaration of Independence from the Soviet Union. In this
context, Moldavians also celebrate the Language day on 30 August, marking the
fact that the independent state returned back its official language.
Following one of the aims to inform refugees/asylum seekers about history, traditions and celebrations of RM, Charity Centre for Refugees
(CCR) with support of UNHCR, Bureau for Migration and Asylum, the Law Centre
for Advocates commemorated two Moldavian national days at the Temporary Accommodation Centre
The event started with the welcome speech of Mr. Traian Turcanu (the
Head of UNHCR) and Mrs. Ecaterina Silvestru (the deputy director of BMA) about the importance of the mentioned
special days. Later, was shown a power point presentation on the history of the Independence Day, the meaning of the flag
and the national anthem called "Limba noastra". After the presentation, a short but
lively quiz had been made for UNHCR persons of
concern, during which prizes were raffled off. At the end, participants and organizers
enjoyed a moment together discussing and sharing impressions about the significance
of Moldavian national celebrations.
Celeste Panno –EVS volunteer from Italy at
Federica Pulcini – EVS volunteer from Italy at
Inga Roman - CCR Project Assistant
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